What is MMM? MMM stands for “Monday Morning Music.” Following is an excerpt from my new book, The BET, which will be published early next year (2015): “How do I use music in my life? I have created seven playlists of music – one for each day. Programmed on my smart phone and computer are the treasured songs that touch every corner of my life. I have a special playlist for Mondays, titled my “Getting Started for the Week Music.” All of my tracks have variety. Some are older songs that … [Read more...]
Please, not another detour! In the middle of something we regard as important, we are sidetracked by another issue. The interruption takes over and we abandon the original thing we were doing. We use terms like distraction, diversion and disruption. Even those terms may be inadequate for our description. A more accurate representation, at times, might be found in words like irritation, annoyance or interference. For me, the word ‘frustration’ seems to really fit. What would be your word or … [Read more...]
If you read books, you are familiar with the dedication page, placed in the front section. The author dedicates his book to people who have made a difference in his life. Sometimes those revered people have passed away. Often, it will be special family members who may still be living. The influence these people have is commonly the reason why the author pays tribute to them in that special place – the Dedication. I acknowledge 12 family members in the dedication of my first book which … [Read more...]
Leadership in 110 Words
Leaders say, ‘thank you.’ They do it in front of others. They write hand-written notes. Leaders praise in a timely manner– not long after your accomplishment. Leaders discover your ‘sweet spot’ – what you do well and love the most. They make sure you get a chance to fulfill your purpose in life. Leaders say, ‘I believe in you.’ Leaders are the best cheerleaders on your team. Leaders are out-front. Leaders will take responsibility for failures. They give credit to the team for … [Read more...]
A Short Course in Effective Measurement
Measure what is Important. You lose credibility if you select little things that do not matter, or, fail to choose those that do matter. Use an Objective System. People will know if you are unfair. Unfairness promotes sabotage, which can be as subtle as just not working as hard as possible. Be Time Efficient. Use tests that take the least amount of time while still being effective. Be Cost Efficient. The cost of the test should be small compared to the cost of performing the task being … [Read more...]
A Book About a Delivery Person
I was attracted to The Fred Factor, because the book shares the story of a delivery person. Mark Sanborn, an internationally known author and motivational speaker, is the author of the Fred Factor. He identifies four principles that have been mastered by Fred the delivery person in this story. The delivery guy goes out of his way to serve his customers. Fred recognizes that his job involves more than just satisfying the person that signs his paycheck. It includes all the people who are … [Read more...]
Mondays are Great if You Have a Centerfielder
Who is a ‘Centerfielder’? The person who makes great plays in your life. He is the one whom you can call at 2:00am and know that he will come to your aid. He tells you what he thinks – not just what you want to hear. He desires success for you. Seeking no recognition, money or reward, he celebrates your victories. When you win, receive a prize or get a promotion, your ‘Centerfielder’ is in the audience. As you go to the podium, he remains in the background, out of the limelight. But you know … [Read more...]
Ten Reasons Why Mondays are Great
1) I live in America. This is the best country in the world. People are crossing our borders daily to get here. Our forefathers gave us a Constitution that is the best in the world. You really can live your dream in this country. 2) Monday is ‘opportunity day. ’ Many are suffering from a false belief that something is wrong about Mondays. It is the best day to get ahead of the competition. 3) I have love in my life. People I love, and who love me, include Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, … [Read more...]
There are No Small Moments
I was not too happy when our oldest daughter left Cosmos, a dog, at our home after arriving from college. I had just started really enjoying our time alone with both of our kids now gone from home. Then Kelly arrived signifying that life was changing. And then there was Cosmos. And then there was no Kelly. Cosmos remained. Despite my unhappiness with this situation, there was additional frustration whenever my wife was out of town. She was out of town this particular morning and so I got to … [Read more...]
Mondays are Great
The Mondays Are Great philosophy had its beginning for me 38 years ago. In the early challenges of starting a transportation company, often I made the actual deliveries. While delivering a package and obtaining a signature, I would fill those idle seconds with conversation, as most of us do in those moments -- “How are you,?” and “How is it going?” were my frequent questions. I was excited every moment of the day, including during those delivery experiences, because I was living my dream -- … [Read more...]