Measure what is Important. You lose credibility if you select little things that do not matter, or, fail to choose those that do matter.
Use an Objective System. People will know if you are unfair. Unfairness promotes sabotage, which can be as subtle as just not working as hard as possible.
Be Time Efficient. Use tests that take the least amount of time while still being effective.
Be Cost Efficient. The cost of the test should be small compared to the cost of performing the task being audited. Expect a return on your investment when you use measurement systems.
Measure Consistently. Set up audit schedules you are willing to follow. If you skip a measurement schedule, you lose credibility.
Share Results. Provide information to as many team members as possible. Comparative information helps to create positive competition and drive improvement.
Share Promptly. Late reports communicate that the results are unimportant. Delayed information impacts ability to make positive changes that are needed now.
Measure Your Measurement. Make sure that you are getting desired results. Look at cost, time and people. Review the entire process.
Ask – Answer – Act Get everyone involved. Ask the right questions. Get the best answers. Always act. Hold people accountable. Do something about what you discover. Praise and award the good. Discipline when needed.
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