“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Napoleon Hill
Is it possible to learn something about goals on Facebook? Here is a recent post by cousin-in-law, Romona Leslie:
“So today I’m starting my 3-month challenge to do 200 miles either walking, elliptical biking, treadmill or just the elliptical before my 5 yr. appointment with my back doctor in Oct.! Today, so far, I’ve already finished 7.75 miles! It’s one day at a time that finishes the race!! I’m posting this for myself to stay accountable!! I did this 3 years ago and finished strong!!”
In a mere 68 words, using Facebook as a platform, Romona has powerfully illustrated eight different principles of successful goal achievement. How many can you detect?
Here is what I discovered . . .
Romona’s Eight Principles of Goal Achievement
Share your important goals in life with others who will strongly support you.
Here are just a few of the comments received within less than 48 hours after Romona’s posting:
“My gosh! You’ve walked over 7 miles today?”
“That’s fabulous! Keep it going girl!”
“Way to go Romona!”
“You go girl! You’re goal oriented and can do this!!!!”
“Good for you, I’m rooting for you!”
The volume of support for Romona’s endeavor is overwhelming. The value of this support is huge. If you use Facebook or other Internet community sites, make sure that your friends are supportive. ‘Unfriend’ anyone who is negative. Maintain and increase those who love you and want you to succeed in life (wherever you find them).
Be accountable. Kelly Picard, the CEO of Hackbarth Delivery Service (our older daughter) often talks about responsibility in meetings with the executive team of our highly successful transportation company. “We must have accountability for our important goals!” I hear her proclaiming. (Notice that Romona penned her Facebook post to instill her own personal accountability). Once you publicly proclaim a goal, you have made a commitment to your own internal audit which is a powerful principle of success. Romona’s effective words are: “I’m posting this for myself, to stay accountable.”
Your own story is the goldmine in life. Note that Romona recalls a similar goal she accomplished three years ago. There is more power in your own personal stories in life than in all the books you could ever read by all the success writers of our time. Your own story is personal and emotional, often filled with many life lessons. Your story is the gold in your goldmine. And it is created and lived by you, for you, and for the important people surrounding you. Quoting Romona,“I did this three years ago . . .”
Use a daily formula. In an early April edition, I wrote about this powerful principle titled ‘Frequency.’ Long-term success in life is really accomplished by discovering a daily formula that works, repeating it for the rest of your life. “It’s one day at a time that finishes the race.”
Believe! The most important person to have on your team is . . . you. Be sure to believe in yourself and your goals. Cheer for yourself. “Today, I already went 7.75 miles.” When was the last time you claimed credit for personal progress? Often, we are tougher on ourselves than are others. Does it make sense to occasionally be your own fan? To give yourself applause? How about right now? Today.
Be flexible. Create options. Notice that Romona implements several options for accomplishing her goal – biking, walking, treadmill and elliptical.
Identify a specific deadline. Be time oriented. It is better to determine a specific date for accomplishing your rather than have no deadline. Romona’s goal is October. What date have you established for an important goal in your life? What about that certification, school degree, new addition to the house or much needed conversation with another family member? What about that health goal? Could any of the significant goals in your life use a target date?
Use success language. Note the words Romona chooses for inspiration:
Strong – Finishes (used 3 times) – Today – Starting – Challenge – Accountable
All of these words are in the vocabulary of winners, people who achieve goals routinely. What words do you repeat on a daily basis? Are the repetitions helping or hindering your progress toward success? Your language matters.
In 68 words, Romona has powerfully embarked on a goal that I confidently predict she will achieve. How can she fail when she has embraced so many powerful principles?
What one element of these eight criteria could you use, starting today, to help accomplish an important goal in your life? If you embraced this principle for the next seven days, adding a new one each week, how might that change the direction and outcome of your desired goal?
Two Strong Simple Success Tools
Tool One – Print this newsletter and carry a copy with you for the next eight weeks. Practice one new principle related to an important goal each week
Tool Two – Write (or type) your personal plan in accomplishing an important goal. Create your personal ‘ Goal Blueprint.’ Use less than 100 words – Romona did it powerfully with just 68 words. Keep a copy with you until you achieve a determined objective.
Two months from now (eight weeks), I predict that you will achieve outstanding success. I hope you will share with me your fantastic results. Please write to me at rob@mondaysaregreat.com.
One important goal in my life is . . .
Today, I will increase my chance of success by implementing the principle of . . .
Next Monday, I will add . . .
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