“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born . . . and the day you find out why.” Mark Twain “Just one thing,” was the reply of the boss of the cattle drive. He was answering the question he had posed to the cowhand. This pivotal scene came from the movie, City Slickers. Actor Jack Palance played the boss and Billy Crystal played the city slicker, who was now a cowhand on a vacation that provided a real experience of a cattle drive. The question he had posed was, … [Read more...]
Simple Formula for Goal Achievement
Create goal Be specific Set deadline Put in writing Make it visible Create accountability Share with supporters Read AM PM Measure progress often Celebrate victory If you would like to receive details on any of these steps, contact Rob … [Read more...]
A Short Course in Effective Measurement
Measure what is Important. You lose credibility if you select little things that do not matter, or, fail to choose those that do matter. Use an Objective System. People will know if you are unfair. Unfairness promotes sabotage, which can be as subtle as just not working as hard as possible. Be Time Efficient. Use tests that take the least amount of time while still being effective. Be Cost Efficient. The cost of the test should be small compared to the cost of performing the task being … [Read more...]